Clearing, exam grades, and an idea from a wise wizard

Student holding exam results paper in the air in celebration as others look on.

😊 Welcome

This week is the big one for hundreds of thousands of A-level students, with results being released on Thursday. Meanwhile Scottish Higher results came out last week.

This means that across the country, students, UCAS advisers and admissions teams at universities are gearing up for the busiest and most stressful time of the year: clearing and confirmation.

So this week, just a super short newsletter to say a massive good luck to everyone involved, and to give a few hints, tips and reminders about this important time.

✍️ Top ten tips for results day and Clearing

In case you were on holiday two weeks ago, here’s a reminder of my top ten tips for results day and Clearing from the last newsletter.

In summary…

  1. BEFORE results day, draw up a shortlist of fall-back options.

  2. Make use of the historical entry grades data.

  3. On results day, don’t assume anything - double check UCAS Track, and if necessary, call your university.

  4. If you don’t get into your firm or insurance offer, don’t panic - you’ve got this! (Just check back to the list you made for 1 above!).

  5. Check out your ‘Clearing Matches’ on UCAS Clearing Plus.

  6. Go to the university websites for the most up to date and accurate information on places available and grade requirements.

  7. When making a call to a university, have a prep sheet ready.

  8. Keep a clear eye on deadlines, but don't be rushed into the wrong decision.

  9. Consider whether it is worth appealing your grades.

  10. Think about whether a year out might work for you.

For more detail on each of these…

Read more

💡 Did You Know?

For those receiving exam results, I said it last year, and I’ll say it again…

You are not your grades.

It might feel like it this week... But I repeat, you are not your grades.

If you get brilliant grades, then well done!

If you don't, just remember all the other things you are brilliant at. 

They will carry you through!

📢 Quote of the week

“Not all those who wander are lost”


(From the Fellowship of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien)

When you are making your final preparations to head off to university, it can often feel like you are a bit lost; you’ll have doubts about what you are doing, where you are going, and why you are going there.

But be assured, entering into an unknown future isn’t the same as being lost. It’s actually more like being an explorer. You are going somewhere new, to explore different possibilities and learn new things.

Being lost can be scary, but being an explorer? That’s far more exciting!

Thanks for reading!


🎯 In case you missed it


Personal Statements, Open Days, getting to know your lecturers, and finding problems to solve


Top ten tips for Clearing, UCAS tariff points, and some important advice from Vincent Van Gogh.