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Just one thing… university admissions tests
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Just one thing… university admissions tests

Last year I wrote an article all about admissions tests. It very quickly became my most popular page, and so I’ve been keeping it up to date ever since. 

Every time admissions tests get discussed on social media groups, and I chime in, I get hundreds of hits on the article. It turns out there really isn’t anywhere you can go for comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date information on which university admissions tests students need to take.

And so, I’ve built a new website.

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Your confidence scorecard, clarity from Martin Lewis, and possibly the most complicated art school in the UK
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Your confidence scorecard, clarity from Martin Lewis, and possibly the most complicated art school in the UK

You’ll know that I don’t shy away from the fact that choosing and applying to university can be complicated. That’s just the nature of things sometimes.

But today we have two ways to make your life a little less complicated.

Firstly for those making their firm UCAS choices, we have a confidence scorecard. It won’t tell you which choice is best for you, but it will tell you whether you should be confident in the decision you are about to make!

Secondly, Martin Lewis brings much needed simplicity and clarity to the insane complexity of student finance and student loans.

Finally, we look at a fantastic art school in London. Or is it six art schools? Well… it’s complicated!

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New UCL admissions test, being curious, and the UK’s ‘newest’ university
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

New UCL admissions test, being curious, and the UK’s ‘newest’ university

This week we hear about a new admissions test, the TARA (Test of Academic Reasoning for Admissions) which UCL will require for applicants to a range of courses from 2026.

We check out some advice from three wise authors about letting your career define you, and what it means for you as you look ahead to your own career.

And we look at the UK’s most recently formed university.

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Belonging at university, excellent careers resources, and the university that left me torn.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Belonging at university, excellent careers resources, and the university that left me torn.

This week we look at the importance of finding a sense of belonging at university. You might think it’s all about gut instinct; that feeling you get when you visit, that tells you whether you can see yourself being a student there. It turns out there is a way more to it, and there are important questions you should ask a university to see whether they are playing their part in helping you belong.

We revisit an article all about UCAS Extra, which opened just last week.

We discover a couple of really helpful careers platforms who are using community and networking to help early career searchers.

And we look at one of the world's most prestigious universities - while I do my best to be objective.

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ZNotes’ inspirational founder, driver vs. passenger, taster courses at East Anglia, and Somerset’s lesser known university.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

ZNotes’ inspirational founder, driver vs. passenger, taster courses at East Anglia, and Somerset’s lesser known university.

This week, something completely different! In what I hope can become a regular thing, I interview someone who is making waves in the world of education.

Zubair Junjunia founded ZNotes a little under 10 years ago to help international students the world over to revise for their A-levels. Now ZNotes is the largest community of high school students in the world. His story is as inspiring as it is informative.

We also dig out an article from last year which will help you decide whether you are a driver or a passenger in your university application journey.

We hear about some useful new Personal Statement guides launched by UCAS just last week.

And we take a trip to Bath to find Somerset’s lesser known university.

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Embracing the super-power of “I don’t know”
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Embracing the super-power of “I don’t know”

You’ll know that I’m in a handful of applicant, parent and adviser groups on social media. 

In fact I spend far too long on them.

They provide members with an incredible resource to crowd-source a wide range of opinions, get answers to questions, and find out about others' experiences of applying to university. They create a tangible sense of community and camaraderie, as you can see that many others are having similar experiences. And they are an incredible barometer of what people are thinking, asking, and concerned about right now when it comes to university applications. 

But I can’t help thinking that when it comes to parents and advisers, very often there are questions asked that seem, well, a bit much.

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Are universities worth it, student finance and a university with an undeserved reputation
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Are universities worth it, student finance and a university with an undeserved reputation

This week we have something a little different as our lead story, taking a look at a couple of reports that were released last week. I know, reports… yawn!

But in this case, they are pretty important, as they look at two things that are super-critical about going to university.

Secondly, our Did You Know? is also all about student finance. And the reality is that if you didn’t know, then it's high time you did.

And we finish with a snapshot of a university with a reputation that isn’t quite what it should be…

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A bias to action, a university by the sea, and being an adult.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

A bias to action, a university by the sea, and being an adult.

This week we look a little deeper into the idea of having a bias to action, specifically when it comes to planning and deciding your future.

We go to the vault and dig out the article you have all been looking for.

We have a look at a very special and unique university by the sea.

And hear a tip on adulting from Naval Ravicant.

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Making your final UCAS choices, another East Midlands gem, and some wisdom about worrying
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Making your final UCAS choices, another East Midlands gem, and some wisdom about worrying

A very Happy New Year to you all!

Right now, many students will be finalising their UCAS forms, while others will have received several offers already and will be turning their attention to making their final firm and insurance choices.

So today we start by looking at some super-useful articles that I’ve written in previous years about making those final choices, plus there is a brand new piece with four questions that you should be asking about universities you are considering.

Meanwhile in today’s university snapshot, we look at a university in the East Midlands that definitely merits a closer look!

And we finish with some wisdom about worrying.

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Designing your life, where I went to university, and making your final UCAS choices early
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Designing your life, where I went to university, and making your final UCAS choices early

Last week I read Design Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, and while it's probably not a book I’d recommend to those of you still at school, there are some great concepts in it that really resonated with me when it comes to university choices.

And so I’ve written about some of them today!

Meanwhile, this week’s University Snapshot is the university that I am more biased about than any other. Because I studied there.

And we finish with a thought about making your firm and insurance UCAS choices early. You can… but should you?

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Scottish universities, human errors, and an elite university in East London.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Scottish universities, human errors, and an elite university in East London.

We all know that Scottish universities are a bit different from the rest of the UK, but what actually makes them different? And within this small, but wonderful country, what makes the universities distinct from each other? 

Based on my 12 years of experience studying and working in Scottish universities, I give you a super-quick lowdown.

We look at human error in admissions, and what to do if it affects you.

And we finish with a real gem of a university in East London. If I tell you it only became a full-fledged university in 2013, can you guess who I’m talking about?

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A Personal Statement checklist, St Mary’s University, and support for Parents.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

A Personal Statement checklist, St Mary’s University, and support for Parents.

This week we have something super-practical: A Personal Statement checklist.

For everyone who has finished writing their statement, and for all those who are helping students and checking their statements; just compare the statement with this eight point checklist and you’ll have a pretty good idea of whether it’s good to go.

In the third of my University Spotlights we have a look at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. It’s not a well known university, but the six months I spent there were enough to teach me that it's well worth a look for all sorts of students!

And we finish with a quick suggestion for parents. Somehow they are expected to help and support their sons and daughters, and yet they don’t get even half the support, information or guidance that students do. So I’ve got two suggestions on how you can help them!

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Six things I would do differently, a snapshot of Leicester, and uni myths busted.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Six things I would do differently, a snapshot of Leicester, and uni myths busted.

This week we look at six things I’d do differently if I were choosing a course now. All six are things that really didn’t cross my mind when I was 17. And hopefully all six might just help you make a great decision about your choice of course and university!

In the second of my University Spotlights we have a look at the University of Leicester. Like Stirling, it's a university where I spent a significant amount of time working, and it’s also another university that arguably deserves a bit more recognition than it gets! I hope I can persuade a few of you that it’s well worth a deeper look!

And we finish with a look at a brand new campaign launched by the University Alliance alongside some well-known partners.

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If you like… you might also like…, University snapshots, and Tuition fee rises.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

If you like… you might also like…, University snapshots, and Tuition fee rises.

This week we look at how you can use history to find a university that’s pretty similar to your first choice. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me on this!

We also start a new series called University Spotlights. Each week I’ll give you a super-short guide to a university that you may not be overly familiar with.

We’ll finish with a look at the recently announced rise in university tuition fees in England; why they are doing this, and what it means for you and for the universities.

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Applying for two different subjects, free UCAS applications for those with free school meals, and doing stuff because you can’t.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Applying for two different subjects, free UCAS applications for those with free school meals, and doing stuff because you can’t.

This week we look at one of the most commonly asked questions in the history of university applications: Is it OK to apply for two different subjects through UCAS?’

We also look at how to get your UCAS application fee waived if you are on free school meals.

And we finish with a thought from Vincent Van Gogh, which is both an inspiration to try new things, and a great response when you are criticised for making mistakes when you do!

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Ten amazing resources, UCAS Discover Events, a wise quote from a friend, and… a brand new website!
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Ten amazing resources, UCAS Discover Events, a wise quote from a friend, and… a brand new website!

We start with ten super-useful resources for making better university choices. Ten recommendations for organisations and websites who are doing something a bit different; something that sets them apart from the usual.

We hear about the autumn UCAS Discovery Events.

And we finish with some wise words that a friend put in a comment on one of my LinkedIn posts.

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