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Previous newsletters

Top ten tips for Clearing, UCAS tariff points, and some important advice from Vincent Van Gogh.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Top ten tips for Clearing, UCAS tariff points, and some important advice from Vincent Van Gogh.

Results day is, for most students, just around the corner. So today we look at how to prepare for results day, and how to deal with the stress of finding a place through Clearing with my top ten tips.

We have a helpful reminder about UCAS Tariff Points.

And we hear from Vincent Van Gogh about doing things you can’t do.

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Summer next steps, changing your mind, and why aiming for the perfect job might not be a smart move.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Summer next steps, changing your mind, and why aiming for the perfect job might not be a smart move.

Not sure what you should be doing over summer? Just want to relax, but have a niggling feeling there are a couple of things that you should probably get out of the way?

If so, read on, as this week we look at just two or three things that you can usefully do over summer to keep your journey to university on track.

Secondly, a little reassurance that it is never too late to change your mind.

And finally, why aiming for the perfect job might not be a smart move.

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Finding your “passion”, art and design degree shows, and having it all figured out.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Finding your “passion”, art and design degree shows, and having it all figured out.

This week we ask the question: is “find your passion” really a good way to choose a course? Or is there a better way?

Secondly, we have a look at the amazing inspiration that can be found at art and design degree shows up and down the country during June.

And finally, we learn that you really don’t need to have it all figured out after all.

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UCAS historical entry grades data, Frequently Asked Questions, and doing your best with what you know.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

UCAS historical entry grades data, Frequently Asked Questions, and doing your best with what you know.

This week we look at a hugely significant new initiative by UCAS to help demystify entry grades for applicants: known as “Entry Grades Data (Beta)”.

Secondly, you know when you have a question about the UCAS process that you just can’t see the answer to in the standard information? Turns out the answers might be easier to find than you think!

And finally, we learn a bit about just doing your best.

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Something very special to help you with your UCAS Personal Statement
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Something very special to help you with your UCAS Personal Statement

Hi everyone, and welcome to a slightly different edition of #betterunichoices.

Over the last month or so I’ve been working hard on a whole suite of new materials, so instead of the usual format, this week I’d like to tell you all about my new online course, Podcast and written guide; all designed to help you to write your UCAS Personal Statement.

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University admissions tests, Edinburgh video diaries, plus the importance of actions and feelings.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

University admissions tests, Edinburgh video diaries, plus the importance of actions and feelings.

This week we have a close look at university admissions tests, to make sure you know everything you need to know about the tests you might need to take if you are applying to university next year.

We also check out some amazing video diaries from two students at the University of Edinburgh.

And we find out the importance of both actions and feelings, and why one without the other can be a problem!

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Applying for accommodation, Geoff Norcott, the confusion of foundation courses, and the definition of happiness.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Applying for accommodation, Geoff Norcott, the confusion of foundation courses, and the definition of happiness.

This week we have a look at all the different options for accommodation as you head off to university, including guarantees and application deadlines.

We try to break down some of the complications and misunderstandings around foundation courses.

And we hear a very wise man’s definition of happiness.

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Budgeting at university, last minute problems, and three types of decision.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Budgeting at university, last minute problems, and three types of decision.

After last week’s introduction to fees, loans and grants, this week we look at how to budget and how to manage your money while at university.

We consider one very good reason why you should never, ever leave applications of any type to the last minute.

And we learn about hats, haircuts and tattoos, and what they can teach you about decision making.

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Student finance basics, UCAS Discovery, and humankind's greatest achievement.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Student finance basics, UCAS Discovery, and humankind's greatest achievement.

This week we make an abrupt 180 degree turn, from last week’s ancient Roman philosophy, to one of the most critical and practical challenges for all students: understanding student finance.

We find out about UCAS Discovery Exhibitions, which start this week.

And we learn why education should not be seen merely as a hoop for you to jump through.

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University branding, the real UCAS deadline, and what education is actually for.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

University branding, the real UCAS deadline, and what education is actually for.

This week we look at something a bit off-beat: university branding.

Now I’m very aware that in 25 years of working in universities I’ve never had a single student show the remotest interest in university branding.

But that’s what makes this newsletter a bit different, right? Because if you want to find a university that matches your values, and fits your personality, there is 100% something to learn from the way universities brand themselves.

We also learn a super-important fact about the UCAS deadline.

And we hear an interesting philosophical take on what education is really for.

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Are university rankings helpful? And two ideas to help you spend 80,000 hours on the right thing.
Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher Newsletter Jonathan Tinnacher

Are university rankings helpful? And two ideas to help you spend 80,000 hours on the right thing.

This week we look closely at university rankings and league tables. What are they? What do people in the sector think about them? And are they of any help to you?

We also look at an amazing website that can help you work out how to make a real difference in your career.

And the penny drops on an unbelievably simple, but massively important idea about choosing a career and a course.

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