Podcast: #BetterUniChoices
Ideas, insight and inspiration for your university choices.
All episodes
Embracing the chaos, the importance of a fall-back option, and the two types of people.
This week we attempt to embrace the chaos of trying to make your choice of university. We examine why having a fall-back option is crucial. And we learn about the two types of people in the world.
Japanese philosophy, a super-simple careers quiz, and what's more important than formal learning.
In this episode we explore a little bit of Japanese philosophy together with a brilliant way of working out if your planned career could give you the sense of purpose you are looking for. For those of you who haven’t found that perfect career yet, we find out about a super-simple (and uncannily accurate) careers quiz. And we learn what’s more important than university.
'Top universities', Sport at university, and some simple advice from a young entrepreneur.
This week we ask question whether league tables and student reviews can really tell you what is the best university for you. We discover an amazing resource for those of you who are into sport. And we hear some very simple inspiration from a young entrepreneur who just interviewed the Prime Minister.
A one-word change, gap years, and the power of reading.
This week we discover a simple, but brilliant idea from James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, which might just help you get started on your UCAS Personal Statement. We learn when to apply for a deferred entry if we are thinking about taking a gap year. And we find out how to rise above the ordinary.
Using ChatGPT for your Personal Statement, The University Guys, and what communication is all about.
In this episode we look at how you can make best use of ChatGPT if you are using it to help with your UCAS Personal Statement. We hear about about The University Guys, who can help you discover everything you need to know about study overseas. And we learn the single most important lesson in communication from Simon Sinek, all round marketing guru.
Super-curriculars, UCAS Clearing, and the sweet spot of confidence.
This week we have a look at super-curricular activities; what they are, and why they are so helpful and important. We also learn about Clearing, and how to find the confidence sweet spot.
Careers advice from Dave Grohl, five choices, and falling in love with life.
In this podcast we take careers advice from Dave Grohl, discuss your five UCAS choices, and hear some wisdom about how to love life.
Personal Statement Top Tips Part 2, chatting on Unibuddy, and the reality of career paths.
In this episode we complete the Top 20 Personal Statement top tips countdown, we discover a super-easy way to get all of your questions answered by real, live, current students, and we finish with some sage advice from a man who made chocolate.
Virtual vs. Physical open days, unitasterdays.com and a wonderful thought from a Russian Philosopher.
In this week’s podcast we look at Virtual Open Days and compare them to in-person events. I’ll give a little nod to my friends at unitasterdays.com for their excellent site. And we’ll finish with a wonderful thought from 19th Century Russian Philosopher and Writer Friedrich Nietzsche.
Personal Statement Top Tips, subject spotlights and some inspiration from a former politician.
In this, the very first podcast from betterunichoices, we cover the first ten of our Top 20 Personal Statement tips, signpost a fantastic resource for finding out about what it’s like to study different subjects at university, and provide a little bit of inspiration from Wendy Alexander, former Scottish Labour Leader.
So… what is this podcast all about?
In this short introduction I’m going to tell who I am, what betterunichoices is all about, and why you should listen.