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Your university choices confidence scorecard
Choosing a course, Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher Choosing a course, Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher

Your university choices confidence scorecard

So, you are making your final, firm choice of course. You read websites, chat to teachers, go to open days, and explore social media.

You want to be as confident as you possibly can be about your decision.

But decisions are complex right? And sometimes confidence doesn’t come easy. 

So today, we’ll strip back your decision, right down to the essentials with my university choice confidence scorecard.

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Finding a sense of belonging at university
Choosing a course, Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher Choosing a course, Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher

Finding a sense of belonging at university

We all know how important it is to have a sense of belonging; in our family, amongst our friends, and of course, when choosing a university.


Because belonging affects everything at university; how much you enjoy the course, how good your mental health is, how well you do in exams, even whether you pass or fail.

So how do you know whether you’ll feel that sense of belonging when you are choosing a university?

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Hold on, but not too tight
Choosing a course, Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher Choosing a course, Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher

Hold on, but not too tight

During a recent family chat about training for a half-marathon, I asked my sisters if they knew what you were supposed to do with your hands when running. Should you grip your fists like a boxer? Or just let them shake loose?

“Well…”, said the sister who was training, “Apparently you are supposed to pretend you have a piece of paper between your thumb and forefinger, then hold on to it, but not too tight”.

“Hold on, but not too tight?” says my other sister, “That sounds like great advice for pretty much everything!”

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Making big decisions with a bias to action

Making big decisions with a bias to action

A few weeks ago I wrote a piece about five mindset changes that I’d learned about in “Design your Life” by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. I described one of these mindsets as “try stuff”, but the term they use for it is having a “bias to action”. For me it’s been such a game changer in my life that I thought it worth exploring a bit more deeply.

What is a “bias to action”? What does it look like when making long term decisions? And how can I start to make it a part of my mindset?

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Choosing between different universities
Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher

Choosing between different universities

Every so often I come across questions that challenge my assumptions about the university applications process.

Right now, loads of students are receiving their offers and starting to make firm and insurance decisions. Meanwhile, there are parents out there asking questions online that make me realise just how much I take for granted, having worked in the university sector for so long (30 years and counting…)

One question on a parents facebook group that has surprised me most in recent weeks has been a parent asking for thoughts on choosing between Loughborough and Nottingham Trent.

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Five mindsets for designing your life

Five mindsets for designing your life

I’ve just finished reading Design Your Life, by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. It takes the principles of design thinking and uses these to help build your career. It's a great read, and whatever stage you are at in your career, if you feel things aren’t quite going to plan, I’d happily recommend it.

And for those of you who are in the process of making your university choices, there are five basic mindsets in the book that you can definitely apply to your university search.

So, today I’ll look at each of these mindsets, and how you can use them as you research and make your university course choices!

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A super-quick guide to the Scottish Universities
Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher

A super-quick guide to the Scottish Universities

I grew up in Scotland, studied at Edinburgh and then worked at Stirling for the first phase of my career. I absolutely loved my time at university, and it’s safe to say that I am a big fan of Scottish education. But is it really all that special? Is there really anything that sets Scottish universities apart from others in the UK? 

Well, there are certainly some differences, but whether they are special, depends on you and what you are looking for.

Building on the approach that I took a couple of weeks ago, looking at similarities between universities based on a bit of history, I thought it would be interesting to look at the Scottish universities in three quite distinct groups:

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Six things I’d do if I were choosing a university course right now
Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher

Six things I’d do if I were choosing a university course right now

OK, so I applied to universities in the 80s.

No league tables, no social media, and in fact no internet at all. Just a very large book in the school careers library with some serious lists in it. And a handful of prospectuses - though even those weren’t quite like the glossy brochures of recent years.

I basically chose on the basis of hearsay, reputation, and following in the footsteps of my siblings.

No disrespect to my siblings, but it was a pretty terrible way to choose a university.

Knowing what I now know, after a 30 year career spent in university marketing and admissions, it’s no surprise that if I had another chance, I’d do things a bit differently.

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‘I just liked the logo’: How branding can help you make your university choice.
Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher Choosing a university Jonathan Tinnacher

‘I just liked the logo’: How branding can help you make your university choice.

I expect at some point, you will all look at a university website and think ‘Yes, that’s exactly what I’ve been looking for!’, or perhaps ‘Nah, this isn’t for me’. And trust me, a lot of that will be to do with their brand, and how they have presented themselves.

Because of this, I wanted to give you just a few thoughts about university branding.

Bear with me; I promise there will be some useful take-aways at the end, and along the way you’ll learn some new stuff about marketing and strategy.

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Top 10 things I learnt at the University of Cambridge Open Day
Open days, Oxbridge Jonathan Tinnacher Open days, Oxbridge Jonathan Tinnacher

Top 10 things I learnt at the University of Cambridge Open Day

A few days after I’d been to the University of Oxford Open Day I had a message from a long-standing friend that he’d be attending the University of Cambridge Open Day with his son the following week. Did I want to meet up?

I thought for at least half a second before replying a very positive “yes”. After seeing Oxford, what better than to see their nearest and dearest rival on equal terms. And of course to catch up with an old friend who I hadn't seen for a couple of years (you know who you are!)

So off we went, on a beautifully sunny day to visit the University of Cambridge!

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Top 10 things I learnt at the University of Oxford Open Day
Open days, Oxbridge Jonathan Tinnacher Open days, Oxbridge Jonathan Tinnacher

Top 10 things I learnt at the University of Oxford Open Day

At the start of the summer, I was staying with my brother in London, and his niece had booked to attend the University of Oxford Open Day. “Would I like to go along with them?” they asked.

In my 30+ years working in universities, I’ve visited Oxford numerous times, and I’ve shared a stage with University of Oxford admissions tutors even more often. But I’ve never been to an Open Day there, and I’ve never been right inside any of the individual colleges. I couldn’t resist the opportunity!

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When is a top university not a top university?
Choosing a university, League tables Jonathan Tinnacher Choosing a university, League tables Jonathan Tinnacher

When is a top university not a top university?

Back in the spring, I used to keep seeing an advert on Facebook suggesting I should study for a British Masters degree at the “9th Best University in the UK”. The university in question was Liverpool John Moores University.

Now, I mean no disrespect to Liverpool John Moores, but it is not a university that has troubled the top 10 in any of the major league tables, so I was naturally curious about this claim to be ninth best? By what measure were they making this claim?

Well, the small print on the advert gave the source…

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Virtual open days vs. Physical open days: Which are better for you?
Choosing a university, Open days Jonathan Tinnacher Choosing a university, Open days Jonathan Tinnacher

Virtual open days vs. Physical open days: Which are better for you?

It’s coming up to open day season at UK universities, with most universities offering the chance for you to visit their campuses during June, July, September and October. These events can attract anything from a few hundred to a few thousand visitors and are designed so you can get a feel for their university, learn about their courses, facilities and student life, and generally help you make informed decisions before you apply.

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