Podcast: #BetterUniChoices

Ideas, insight and inspiration for your university choices.

All episodes

Jonathan Tinnacher Jonathan Tinnacher

A growth mindset, Uniscoops, and the benefits of looking for doubt.

This week we learn all about what it means to have a growth mindset, and how it really is critical as you learn and develop.

We hear about Uniscoops, a rather wonderful initiative from a couple of Oxford students.

And we hear some pretty challenging advice from Mark Manson, author of “The Subtle Art of not giving a F*ck”.

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Jonathan Tinnacher Jonathan Tinnacher

Going to university to get a good job, applying twice to the same university, and keeping away from 'small' people.

This week we ask whether going to university will get you a good job. And if that’s not guaranteed, what exactly will university give you?

We look at whether you are really more likely to get a place by applying twice to your favourite university.

And we look at the importance of surrounding yourself with the right kind of people.

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Jonathan Tinnacher Jonathan Tinnacher

How to avoid becoming a drop out statistic, UCAS application basics, and why it's OK to be uncomfortable.

This week we look at the increasing problem of students not completing their degrees, and how you can avoid becoming one of them, with some self-care awareness, some financial planning, and some basic good decision-making.

We also look at some important UCAS application basics, and hear about the importance of being uncomfortable.

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Jonathan Tinnacher Jonathan Tinnacher

We need to talk about The Russell Group, Zero Gravity, and the simple truth about high performance.

This week we talk about The Russell Group. It may be every Head Teacher’s dream to have as many of their students as possible go to Russell Group universities, but are they really the ‘top’ universities in the UK? What is the substance behind the reputation?

We also have a quick look at Zero Gravity, a start-up powering students from ordinary backgrounds into top universities.

And we finish with a universally positive thought from Jake Humphrey, TV presenter and all round top bloke.

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Jonathan Tinnacher Jonathan Tinnacher

The future of jobs and skills, your UCAS nomination, and the importance of learning how to learn.

This week our main story steps away directly from the university application process. For better or for worse, most people view university as a route to a better job. And jobs need skills. So what could be more important than understanding exactly what skills employers are looking for so you can make sure you develop them at university?

We then look at a small hack in the UCAS application form that might just help if things go wrong.

And finally a simple quote about what it really means to be educated.

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Jonathan Tinnacher Jonathan Tinnacher

How ambitious to be with your UCAS choices, Data Protection and your UCAS reference, and smart advice on getting what you want from life.

This week, we ask the question: How ambitious should you be with your UCAS choices? How do you turn all of that research you’ve done into a sensible list of five courses for your UCAS form?

We look at how Data Protection affects your right to see your UCAS reference.

And we hear some smart advice from a successful entrepreneur on getting what you want from life.

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Jonathan Tinnacher Jonathan Tinnacher

Things to see, do and ask on an Open Day, the importance of checking your email, and career advice from Barrack Obama.

This week, we talk university Open Days.

I use my 20 years of experience organising open days to help you see beyond the obvious, to make sure you see, do and ask all about the really important stuff!

We also discover a simple truth about universities and email, and we hear from one of the finest politicians ever to walk the planet.

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